
How Does The Cycle Of Violence Change Over Time?

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The Wheel of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence may seem unpredictable, simply an outburst related just to the moment and to the circumstances in the lives of the people involved. In fact, however, domestic violence follows a typical pattern no matter when information technology occurs or who is involved. The pattern, or wheel, repeats; each fourth dimension the level of his violence may increase. At every phase in the cycle, the abuser is fully in control of himself and is working to control and farther isolate his victim.

Understanding the wheel of violence and the thinking of the abuser helps survivors recognize they truly are non to arraign for the violence they have suffered and that the abuser is the one responsible.

Half-dozen singled-out stages make up the cycle of violence: the set-upwardly, the abuse, the abuser's feelings of "guilt" and his fear of reprisal, his rationalization, his shift to non-abusive and charming behavior, and his fantasies and plans for the next time he volition corruption.


Abuse can be emotional, physical, sexual, psychological, economic, and social (please refer to the Patterns of Corruption).


A non-abusive person experiences guilt very differently than an abusive person. A not-abusive person feels guilty almost how they take impacted the life of the person they harmed (victim-directed guilt). An abuser experiences self-directed guilt. He does not experience guilty or sad for hurting his victim. He may apologize for his behavior, only his apology is designed then that he will not confront consequences or be held accountable. The goal of the guilt stage is to reassure himself that he will not be caught or face consequences.


The abuser makes excuses and blames the victim for his behavior. Common excuses unremarkably revolve around the abuser being intoxicated or abused every bit a child. However, alcohol use and beingness abused as a child does not cause the abuser to be trigger-happy. Common victim blaming statements normally focus on the victim's behavior. For case, "If y'all had the house cleaned, I wouldn't have had to hit you," or, "If you lot had cooked dinner on time, I wouldn't take had to hit you." The goal of this stage is to forsake responsibility for his beliefs.

"Normal" Behavior

During this phase, the abuser may employ different tactics to achieve his goal to regain ability over the victim. The abuser may act as though nothing happened - everything is normal. This can exist crazy making for victims, equally they do not understand how he could pretend nothing happened.

If the victim has visible injuries, she volition have to explain how she got them. This is designed to maintain the normalcy of the relationship. The goal of this stage is to proceed the victim in the relationship and present the relationship as normal.

Another tactic an abuser may apply after he has chosen to exist vehement is to become the thoughtful, charming, loyal, and kind person with whom the victim roughshod in dear. He may take her out to dinner, purchase her flowers and convince her he volition modify. This tin exist a huge incentive for women to stay or render to the abuser because they believe that this time he really will change. (Run across the department, Is He Really Going to Change This Time? for more than data)

Fantasy and Planning

Abuse is planned. In the initial stages, an abuser fantasizes or has a mental flick of the next time he volition abuse the victim. During the fantasy and planning stage, the abuser is the thespian, producer, director and the star.

The abuser experiences his ability from activating the fantasy. The planning stage details more than specifically what the abuser will need to have and to do in club to abuse his partner.

Abusers may spend minutes, hours or days fantasizing most what the victim has done "wrong" and how he is going to make her "pay". Near often he will fantasize she is having an affair. Most driveling women practice not have the time, free energy, or involvement in having an affair. However, it is the most common accusation, considering she can never prove she is not having an affair.


This is when the abuser puts his program into action. He sets up the victim.

The Total Cycle

Here is an case of the cycle of violence through all its phases.

A man abuses his partner. Later on he hits her, he experiences cocky-directed guilt. He says, "I'm lamentable for hurting y'all." What he does non say is, "Because I might get caught."

He and so rationalizes his behavior past saying that his partner is having an affair with someone. He tells her "If you weren't such a worthless whore I wouldn't have to hit you." He then acts contrite, reassuring her that he will non hurt her again.

He and then fantasizes and reflects on past abuse and how he volition hurt her again. He plans on telling her to go to the store to get some groceries. What he withholds from her is that she has a certain amount of time to practice the shopping. When she is held upwardly in traffic and is a few minutes late, he feels completely justified in assaulting her because "you're having an matter with the store clerk." He has just set her upward.

Cycle of Domestic Violence

How Does The Cycle Of Violence Change Over Time?,


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