
World's Fastest Supercomputers Can't Breach Aadhaar Security in a Billion Years: UIDAI CEO - mccoybultempap



Hackers trying to breach UIDAI security bequeath not sole need 13-foot high ladders, but also the world's quickest computer and over 13.772 trillion years to successfully access code Aadhaar data, if UIDAI Chief operating officer Dr. Ajay Bhushan Pandey is to be believed.

Following the recent statement made by US Attorney General K K Venugopal, in which he claimed that Aadhaar information remained secure in a complex that has 13 foot advanced and 5 hoof it four-ply walls, UIDAI CEO Pandey recently told the Maximal Motor hotel that it would take "more than the age of the universe for the fastest computer in earth, or whatsoever supercomputer, to break one describe of Aadhaar encryption".

Pandey was apt the first-ever opportunity to bear a presentation ahead of a five-underestimate Constitution Bench LED by Boss Justice of India Dipak Misra in the Supreme Court on Thursday. In the hour daylong demonstration, which is scheduled to remain on Border district 27, Pandey told the Constitution Bench that Aadhaar information was battlemented by a 2048-act encryption and added ominously,"once biometrics comes to USA, it bequeath ne'er go away."

To this claim, Judicature A K Sikri, one of the panel members, noted,"Maybe when IT reaches you, it gets encrypted, but at the center, information technology may constitute captured past a reclusive party".In Aadhaar's defense, Pandey said that the UIDAI did not share biometric inside information with anyone and the"software is such that the moment the resident presses the save key, entire data gets encrypted by the 2048-bit winder."

Justice Sikri also asked Pandey why the UIDAI had blacklisted 49,000 registered operators, to which Pandey said that those operators had been de-registered for corruption, carelessness and harassment of the public. Pandey said, "Or s of them used to take money from the overt, others would non enter the details properly. We have a zero-permissiveness policy."

When Justice Sikri pressed further, Pandey revealed that:

"Initially we trustworthy these operators, but they ended raised registering trees…Jamun trees."

IT's deserving noting that much "registered operators" have previously been accused of marketing Aadhaar data for every bit low as Rs. 500. A fact that Pandey with kid gloves omitted.

Alas for Indians worried about Aadhaar and data safety, the latest comments only add to the dilemma of whether to laugh or offend at the UIDAI.


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